遠紅外線照射改善血液透析病人周邊動脈疾病足部循環之成效Effects of far-infrared radiation on improving the circulation in feet of peripheral arterial occlusive disease in hemodialysis patients

2055 10 236         DOI:doi.org/10.30131/TWNA_EBHC_Library.DB_2021050006A/Text

2022-05-20 已刊登
綜 整 預防/治療/介入類型

作  者

邱靜怡 蔣宜倩*


A 類:實證健康照護綜整




腎臟與高血壓 (Nephrology and Hypertension)  


其他(Others) - 遠紅外線照射




#血液透析病患 #遠紅外線照射 #周邊動脈阻塞疾病 #踝肱指數值 #疼痛 #足部血液循環


# Hemodialysis patients #far-infrared radiation #peripheral arterial occlusive disease #ankle brachial pressure index #pain #circulation in the feet






本文搜尋已發表之血液透析病患周邊血管疾病以遠紅外線照射為介入措施的相關研究文章。搜尋資料庫包含Cinahl, Medline, ProQuest Nursing, Cochrane, PubMed等,使用關鍵字:血液透析病患、遠紅外線照射、周邊動脈阻塞疾病、踝肱指數值、疼痛、足部血液循環 (包含足部溫度、動脈血流、脈動強度)等於文章標題、摘要及關鍵字進行搜尋。初步搜尋7篇,最後瀏覽摘要及內文選擇符合納入條件與排除條件的文章,結果共包含1篇實驗性研究設計及2篇類實驗性研究設計文章,以進行分析。
實驗研究文章選用JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist Tools (JBI) for Randomized Controlled Trials進行文獻評析,評析包括13個項目,評讀結果符合項目為 8項。二篇類實驗研究以JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist Tools (JBI) for Quasi-Experimental Studies進行文獻評析,評析包括9個項目,評讀結果分別符合項目為7項及8項。最後,採用 Joanna Briggs Institute 證據等級,納入三篇文獻證據等級一篇為證據等級為1.c,其餘2篇文章為證據等級為2.c。
遠紅外線照射治療介入措施有助血液透析病人周邊動脈疾病改善間歇性跛行症狀的發生及足部疼痛、溫度、動脈血流與脈動強度,但是否可改善踝肱指數值(Ankle brachial pressure index, ABI)並無定論。綜合文獻結果建議,遠紅外線照射利大於弊,血液透析病人可於血液透析時,持續使用6個月遠紅外線照射,高度設置照射部位表面上方25公分,照射40分鐘,每週3次,可作為周邊動脈阻塞性疾病的輔助治療藉以改善足部溫度、動脈血流、脈動強度與疼痛。


Ask an answerable question (PICO):
Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) commonly had poor wound healing problems. People who have severe PAOD may suffer from severe disability or death due to limb amputation and infection which may result in huge medical expenses, and increase the economic burden on patients, families ,and society. Today, the main effective treatment for PAOD is percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) which is an invasive treatment. Recently, studies have shown that the use of far-infrared radiation (FIR) can alleviate PAOD in hemodialysis patients. Compared with the invasive treatment, PTA , FIR is a non-invasive treatment that is characterized as easy to use and had relatively lower adverse effects on patients such as cardiovascular complications (for example acute myocardial infarction), bleeding, thrombosis, and even death. Therefore, this article aims to explore whether FIR can improve the circulation in the feet for PAOD of hemodialysis patients by using evidence-based methods. It is hoped that the result can provide references for improving the patient’s foot circulation and increased the quality of patient care.
The Method and Analysis of Literature Review:
This article searched for the published articles which focused on the effectiveness of FIR on the PAOD in hemodialysis patients. The search database includes Cinahl, Medline, ProQuest Nursing, Cochrane, and PubMed, by using the keywords of “hemodialysis patients”, “far-infrared radiation”, “peripheral arterial disease, “ankle-brachial index”, “pain” and “foot circulation” in article titles, abstracts ,and keywords. Initially, 7 articles were searched. The foot circulation included foot temperature, blood follow, and pulse intensity. After carefully reviewed the abstracts and texts based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of this article, 1 experimental study and 2 quasi-experimental studies were finally included.
Critical Appraisal:
Critical appraisal of the RCT study was conducted by using Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal Checklist Tools for Randomized Controlled Trials. The results complied with 8 items out of 13 for the experimental study. Critical appraisal for the 2 quasi-experimental studies was using JBI Critical Appraisal Tools for quasi-experimental studies and indicated 7-8 items out of 9 standard criteria were meet. Then, according to the evidence grade standard of Joanna Briggs Institute, the included literature were rated as evidence level 1.c for experimental study and level 2.c for the 2 quasi-experimental studies.
Results, Conclusions and Recommendations:
The beneficial effects of FIR in hemodialysis patients with PAOD are decreasing patients’ pain, improving intermittent claudication, foot temperature, arterial blood flow, and pulsation intensity. There is no consensus on the effect of FIR on the ankle brachial pressure index (ABI). However, the research results suggested that FIR has more advantages than disadvantages. Hemodialysis patients may improve foot temperature, arterial blood flow, pulsation intensity, and decrease pain due to PAOD by using 6 months of the FIR during hemodialysis. The top radiator was set at a height of 25 cm above the surface of the PAOD with the treatment time set at 40 min during hemodialysis three times per week.