運動介入對憂鬱症病人之憂鬱症狀改善成效Effectiveness of exercise intervention among patients with depressive symptoms

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2023-10-06 已刊登
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作  者

楊麗君 黃素容 闕可欣*


A 類:實證健康照護綜整




精神醫學 (Psychiatry)  


其他(Others) - 運動介入




#憂鬱症病人 #運動 #憂鬱症狀


#patient with depression #exercise #depressive symptoms






依據實證健康照護五A之前三大步驟(asking, acquire, appraisal),形成PICO問題。利用MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)、自然語言、同義詞設定關鍵字,P:patient with depression、I:exercise、O:depressive symptoms。運用步林邏輯OR連結、PICO間AND交集,限制文獻類型為系統回顧及隨機對照試驗研究,設定2018至2022年間搜尋Pub Med 136篇、CINAHL 4篇、Cochrane Library 337篇,共搜尋出477篇文獻,刪除重複及未探討運動介入對憂鬱症病人之憂鬱症狀改善成效之文獻,共3篇文獻進入評讀。
本文獻的品質評析以2020年版本Critical Appraisal Skill Program (CASP)的「CASP Randomized Controlled Trials Checklist」作為評讀工具。文獻一為隨機對照試驗對重度憂鬱症青少年進行每週3次每次1小時持續12週的多模式運動介入,其顯示有益臨床治療。文獻二為隨機對照試驗對憂鬱症病人進行每週3天每次35分鐘持續8週的有氧運動運動介入,其結果具有成本效益。文獻三為隨機對照試驗對重度憂鬱症病人參與每週3次每次50分鐘持續6週的標準化運動指導,結果支持標準化運動指導對重度憂鬱症病人有益。三篇實證研究中,皆未觀察到運動介入有任何不良反應發生。三篇RCT文獻證據等級依Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) levels of evidence (2014)均為1.c,建議強度A。


Ask an answerable question (PICO):
Central Health Insurance Administration (2021) stated nearly 640,000 people were diagnosed with depression in Taiwan. Among those aged 15-24 and over 65, 88.2% and 63.7% overgrew. Because intervention in medicine and psychotherapy is limited in improving depressive symptoms, the current study suggests that any planned, repetitive exercise can alleviate symptoms of depression. Therefore, this study uses an empirical approach to explore whether designed and repetitive training can improve depressive symptoms.
The Method and Analysis of Literature Review:
According to empirical health care 5A, the three previous steps (asking, acquiring, appraisal), form the PICO problem. Using MeSH (Medical Subject Heights) term, natural language, synonyms to set keywords, P: patient with depression, I: exercise, O: depressive symptoms. The article types are restricted to the SR (systematic review) and RCT (randomized controlled experimental study) by suing the Boolean logic OR link and the AND intersection between PICOs. It was set to search 136 Pub Med articles, 4 CINAHL articles, and 337 Cochrane Library articles from 2018 to 2022. A total of 477 documents were searched. Duplicates and literatures that did not discuss the effect of exercise intervention on depression symptoms of patients with depression were deleted and the selected publication date was the latest. Finally, three papers were reviewed.
Critical Appraisal:
The quality evaluation of this paper is based on the 2020 edition of the Critical Appraisal Skill Program (CASP) for Randomized Controlled Trials Checklist. First article is a randomized controlled trial of multimodal exercise intervention for severely depressed adolescents with one-hour and three times per week intervention for12 weeks. It shows beneficial clinical therapeutic effects. Second article is a randomized controlled trial of aerobic exercise intervention for depressive adults 3 days per week for 8 weeks at 35 minutes intervention per week, with cost-effective results. Third article is a randomized controlled trial in which patients with severe depression participate in standardized guided exercise therapy for six weeks at three 50-minute intervals per week. The results support that standardized guided exercise therapy benefits patients with severe depression. None of the three empirical studies observed adverse reactions to exercise intervention. The three RCT documents are 1.c by Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) levels of evidence (2014), suggesting strength A.
Results, Conclusions and Recommendations:
The comprehensive empirical literature review shows that the use of exercise intervention can effectively improve the depressive symptoms of patients with depression, and the use of exercise intervention will not have adverse effects on patients with depression, which can provide a clinical reference basis.