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NaDCC tablet solution has more bactericidal persistence, longer preservation time and stronger bactericidal power than sodium hypochlorite does. This paper is intended to explore whether NaDCC tablet solution is more effective in disinfection and reducing the density of medical care-related infections.
The Method and Analysis of Literature Review:
The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme AGREE was used to appraise the quality of the Guideline. In addtion, the authors searched the Cochrane、EBSCO HOST、PubMed and CEPS databases for relevant articles that were published before May, 2016.
Critical Appraisal:
Forty two studies were identified and four evidence-based references were selected for follow-up assessment.The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme(CASP, 2013) was used to appraise the quality of the reviewed studies.
Clinical Application of Evidence:
A prospective study design was conducted in the 9 adult intensive care units of a medical center in northern Taiwan from Jan 1 to May 30, 2015 and from October 2015 to March 2016. During the intervention, NaDCC tablet solution was used to replace sodium hypochlorite for environmental disinfection.
Evaluation of Effectiveness:
The paired t-test was used. The infection rate of the Healthcare-associated infection in the NaDCC group was lower than that in the conventional bleach group t = -4.53 (P <.001); the medical care-related infection in the NaDCC group was lower than that in the conventional bleach group t = -4.61 (P <.001).
Conclusions and Recommendations:
Use of NaDCC for environmental disinfection has a positive effect in decreasing Healthcare-associated infection rate. This result can be a reference for medical facilities to effectively enhance the quality of healthcare and improve patient safety.