被動抬腿試驗用於敗血性休克患者液體復甦指導是否會降低住院死亡率?Does passive leg raising test for fluid resuscitation guidance in patients with septic shock reduce in-hospital mortality?

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2023-12-11 已刊登
新刊登 綜 整 預防/治療/介入類型

作  者

陳燕琴* 溫子涵


A 類:實證健康照護綜整




胸腔暨重症加護醫學 (Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine)  


其他(Others) - 被動抬腿試驗(passive leg raising test )




#敗血性休克、被動抬腿試驗 #住院死亡率


#septic shock # passive leg raising test # in-hospital mortality






臨床醫療人員對於敗血性休克患者處置常依據生命徵象及尿量和CVP值判斷後給予快速輸液復甦治療,易造成液體超負荷導致組織缺氧,進而導致器官衰竭甚至死亡。為避免輸液復甦過度和不足,敗血性休克成人,使用可評估動態參數設備,評估液體反應性並依據結果給予液體復甦或升壓劑治療,可避免無效之輸液治療導致液體超負荷造成身體器官負擔及避免血管升壓劑不當使用而加劇器官組織灌流不足情形發生。Passive leg raising是動態的評估測量液體反應性方式之一,具有良好的靈敏度和特異性(分別為 85% 和 91%),可用於敗血性休克的血液動力學管理(Monnet et al., 2022)。故提出「被動抬腿試驗用於敗血性休克患者液體復甦指導是否會降低住院死亡率?」期望藉由實證文獻探討,提供臨床照護參考。
依據實證五A之前三步驟(asking, acquire, appraisal),形成 PICO 問題:「被動抬腿試驗用於敗血性休克患者液體復甦指導是否會降低住院死亡率?」,利用MeSH term、自然語言、同義詞設定中英文關鍵字,運用布林邏輯、切截字檢索技巧搜尋CEPS華藝中文期刊、台灣期刊論文索引系統、台灣博碩士論文系統、Cochrane Library、PubMed、CINAHL、Embase、Nursing Reference Center共八個中英文資料庫及google學術搜尋,並使用「Limit」檢索功能,限制納入文獻條件為:(1) SR或RCT文獻(2)不分語言及族群人類,共搜尋506篇文獻,經人工審閱刪除重複文獻、研究族群、介入措施、研究設計不符合,最後共篩選出2篇隨機對照試驗文獻、1篇系統性回顧文獻,總共3篇文獻符合納入評讀分析。
納入評讀3篇文獻依據CASP 評核表文獻評讀工具。依據依英國牛津實證醫學中心( Oxford centre for Evidence Based Medicine,2011)研究證據等級分類,本文3篇文獻證據等級評定皆為Level 1 ,綜合結果建議等級為A。


Ask an answerable question (PICO):
Clinical medical staff often rely on vital signs, urine output and CVP values to judge and give rapid fluid resuscitation treatment to patients with septic shock, which can easily cause fluid overload and lead to tissue hypoxia, organ failure and even death. To avoid excessive and insufficient fluid resuscitation, for adults with septic shock, using equipment that can assess dynamic parameters, assessing fluid responsiveness and giving fluid resuscitation or vasopressor treatment according to the results, can avoid ineffective fluid treatment leading to fluid overload causing organ burden and avoid improper use of vasopressors aggravating organ tissue perfusion insufficiency. Passive leg raising is one of the dynamic ways to measure fluid responsiveness, with good sensitivity and specificity (85% and 91%, respectively), and can be used for hemodynamic management of septic shock (Monnet et al., 2022). Therefore, the question is raised: “Does passive leg raising test used for fluid resuscitation guidance in patients with septic shock reduce hospital mortality?” It is hoped that by exploring the evidence-based literature, it will provide clinical care reference.
The Method and Analysis of Literature Review:
According to the first three steps of the evidence-based five A’s (asking, acquire, appraisal), the PICO question is formed: “Does passive leg raising test used for fluid resuscitation guidance in patients with septic shock reduce hospital mortality?” Using MeSH term, natural language, synonyms to set up Chinese and English keywords, using Boolean logic, truncation word retrieval skills to search CEPS Airiti Chinese Journal, Taiwan Journal Article Index System, Taiwan Master’s Thesis System, Cochrane Library, PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, Nursing Reference Center eight Chinese and English databases and google scholar search, and using the “Limit” retrieval function, limiting the inclusion criteria for literature as: (1) SR or RCT literature (2) regardless of language and ethnic group human, a total of 506 literature were searched, manually reviewed to delete duplicate literature, research population, intervention measures, research design does not match, finally a total of 2 randomized controlled trial literature, 1 systematic review literature, a total of 3 literature meet the inclusion criteria for review and analysis.
Critical Appraisal:
The 3 literature reviews included in this article are based on the CASP assessment form literature review tool. According to the research evidence level classification of the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (2011), the evidence level of the 3 literature reviews in this article are all Level 1, and the recommendation level of the synthesis results is A.
Results, Conclusions and Recommendations:
For the clinical scenario question in this article, explain to the family that performing a passive leg raise test before giving fluid infusion and using a cardiac output monitor can predict whether fluid infusion will increase cardiac output and then decide whether to give fluid infusion or vasopressor treatment, which can avoid excessive fluid infusion treatment causing organ damage and avoid improper use of vasopressors that aggravate organ tissue perfusion insufficiency and improve patient safety.