親水性含銀敷料比磺胺嘧啶銀藥膏是否能縮短傷口癒合時間?Does AQUACEL ® Ag shorten wound healing time compared to silver sulfadiazine cream?

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A 類:實證健康照護綜整




皮膚系統 (Dermatology)  


臨床護理技術相關措施(Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques) - 以 AQUACEL ® Ag 換藥為介入措施,Silver sulfadiazine 為比較措施。




#親水性含銀敷料 #磺胺嘧啶銀藥膏 #縮短傷口癒合時間


#AQUACEL ® Ag #1% silver sulfadiazine #wound to healing time






臨床照護中,傷口癒合程度是重要評估項目,作者於加護病房工作時,曾收治患者因車禍導致身上多處擦傷及與柏油路磨擦導致燙傷傷口,依醫囑每日兩次使用磺胺嘧啶銀藥膏執行傷口護理,但傷口癒合差,爾後使用AQUACEL® Ag換藥,患者傷口癒合情況改善並轉出到普通病房,引發作者思考兩種換藥方式可否對廣泛性應用至任何形成的傷口,欲以實證探討親水性含銀敷料比磺胺嘧啶銀藥膏是否能縮短傷口癒合時間?
運用PICO形成關鍵字,使用醫學主題(medical subject headings, Mesh term)及自然語言界定文獻搜尋之中、英文詞彙,並以布林邏輯串聯搜尋策略,針對研究之個案組群中文資料庫使用(傷口 AND 親水性含銀敷料 AND 磺胺嘧啶銀藥膏AND 癒合時間);英文資料庫中使用(Wound AND AQUACEL® Ag AND silver sulfadiazine AND Healing time),搜尋電子資料庫含CINAHL、Cochrane Library、PubMed/MEDLINE、ProQuest、Embase及華藝線上圖書館。搜尋期限始自各資料庫創立年代至2022年07月。初步搜尋共獲得32篇文獻,並排除資料庫重複文獻1篇、動物實驗2篇、研究文獻的標題或摘要不符納入條件者共27篇、無全文之文獻0篇、非以中文或英文發表0篇,最後納入2篇文獻符合條件,皆為隨機控制試驗(randomized clinical trial, RCT)等級。
文獻評析以2020年版本Critical Appraisal Skill Programme (CASP)的「CASP Randomised Controlled Trials Checklist」及Jadad score calculation 作為評讀工具,並採用牛津大學實證醫學中心的臨床研究證據等級 「Oxford Centre for Evidence- Based Medicine 2011 Levels of Evidence」,此2篇隨機對照實驗證據等級為Level 1,研究對象皆為傷口病人,研究介入措施皆為使用親水性含銀敷料對照使用磺胺嘧啶銀藥膏換藥,Caruso Daniel M et al.(2006)將癒合定義為100%再上皮化,癒合天數為16天對比17天(p = .517),Muangman P et al. (2010)將癒合定義為95%再上皮化,癒合天數為10±3對比13.7±4.3天(p < 0.02)。
本實證主題將AQUACEL® Ag對比SSD執行傷口護理,Caruso Daniel M et al.(2006)將癒合定義為100%再上皮化,癒合天數為16天對比17天(p = .517),而Muangman P et al.(2010)將癒合定義為95%再上皮化,癒合天數為10±3對比13.7±4.3天,p-value < 0.02,其中一篇文獻證明AQUACEL® Ag敷料換藥在傷口癒合時間為首要條件下優於使用磺胺嘧啶銀藥膏換藥,另一篇成效不明確,但在次要指標中,兩篇文獻將換藥用物成本、人力、護理時數等計算為總成本,Caruso Daniel M et al. (2006)為 AQUACEL® Ag治療組52±29美元而磺胺嘧啶銀組為93±36美元,p-value <0.01,Muangman P et al. (2010)裡統計包含人事等費用,AQUACEL® Ag的平均治療總費用不到磺胺嘧啶銀組的50%(647美元對比1,440美元,p-value .024)。 因此將醫學和藥物經濟學方面綜合考慮,AQUACEL® Ag換藥在傷口癒合時間、成本、疼痛等方面比磺胺嘧啶銀換藥更具優勢,經醫護人員審慎評估後,針對任何形式造成的未感染傷口,作者建議可每三天使用AQUACEL® Ag敷料換藥納入考量,以此提升傷口照護品質。 將醫學和藥物經濟學方面綜合考慮,AQUACEL® Ag換藥在傷口癒合時間、成本、疼痛等方面比磺胺嘧啶銀換藥更具優勢,經醫護人員審慎評估後,針對任何形式造成的未感染傷口,作者建議可每三天使用AQUACEL® Ag敷料換藥納入考量,以此提升傷口照護品質。


Ask an answerable question (PICO):
In clinical care, assessing wound healing is a crucial aspect. During my tenure in the intensive care unit, I encountered a patient who had sustained multiple abrasions and scalded wounds from a car accident, caused by friction with the asphalt road. Despite the application of silver sulfadiazine twice a day for wound care by the medical team, the healing progress was unsatisfactory. However, upon transitioning to AQUACEL® Ag dressings, the patient's wound healing significantly improved, leading to a transfer to the general ward. This experience prompted me to contemplate whether these dressing changes could be universally applied to various types of wounds. Consequently, the research study aims to determine whether hydrophilic silver-containing dressings can expedite wound healing compared to silver sulfadiazine ointment.
The Method and Analysis of Literature Review:
Our study, utilizing the PICO framework, investigated wound healing by comparing AQUACEL® Ag and Silver sulfadiazine. In July 2022, a systematic search across seven databases yielded 32 relevant pieces of literature after exclusions. The critical appraisal of two randomized controlled trials focused on wound patients, comparing hydrophilic silver-containing dressings with silver sulfadiazine ointment for dressing changes. Caruso Daniel M et al. (2006) defined healing as 100% reepithelialization in 16 days compared to 17 days (p = .517), while Muangman P et al. (2010) defined healing as 95% re-epithelialization in 10±3 days compared to 13.7±4.3 days (p < 0.02).
Critical Appraisal:
The study compared AQUACEL® Ag to silver sulfadiazine (SSD) for wound care. Caruso Daniel M et al. (2006) defined healing as 100% reepithelialization in 16 days (vs. 17 days, p = .517). Muangman P et al. (2010) defined it as 95% reepithelialization in 10±3 days (vs. 13.7±4.3 days, p < 0.02). One study favored AQUACEL® Ag for wound healing time, while the other yielded unclear results. AQUACEL® Ag was more cost-effective in both studies. Caruso Daniel M et al. (2006) reported $52 ± $29 vs. $93 ± $36 for SSD (p < 0.01). Muangman P et al. (2010) demonstrated that AQUACEL® Ag's average cost was < 50% of SSD ($647 vs. $1,440, p = .024). In conclusion, AQUACEL® Ag outperforms SSD in wound healing time, cost, and pain. Healthcare professionals may consider AQUACEL® Ag changes every three days for non-infected wounds to enhance overall wound care quality.
Results, Conclusions and Recommendations:
This study compares AQUACEL® Ag to silver sulfadiazine (SSD) for wound care. Caruso Daniel M et al. (2006) defined healing as 100% reepithelialization in 16 days (vs. 17 days, p = .517), while Muangman P et al. (2010) defined it as 95% reepithelialization in 10±3 days (vs. 13.7±4.3 days, p < 0.02). AQUACEL® Ag showed superior results in both wound healing time and cost. Caruso Daniel M et al. (2006) reported $52 ± $29 for AQUACEL® Ag vs. $93 ± $36 for SSD (p < 0.01), and Muangman P et al. (2010) showed AQUACEL® Ag's average cost was < 50% of SSD ($647 vs. $1,440, p = .024). In conclusion, AQUACEL® Ag is more effective than SSD in wound care. Consider AQUACEL® Ag changes every three days for non-infected wounds to enhance overall care quality.