全膝關節置換術後24小時內以彈性繃帶加壓手術部位於膝關節活動度之影響The effect on knee range of motion under elastic bandage compression on the operative site within 24 hours after total knee replacement

3848 18 635         DOI:doi.org/10.30131/TWNA_EBHC_Library.DB_2021080020A/Text

2021-11-12 已刊登
綜 整 預防/治療/介入類型

作  者

周珊珊 韓萱 鄭君婷 李怡珍 郭嘉琪*


A 類:實證健康照護綜整




一般外科醫學 (General Surgery)  


臨床護理技術相關措施(Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques) - 術後照護






#Total knee replacement # Elastic bandage # Knee range of motion # postoperative swelling # pain # complications.






本文依據實證五A之前三步驟(asking, acquire, appraisal),形成PICO問題:「全膝關節置換術後病人,24小時內以彈性繃帶加壓手術部位相較於未加壓,可否顯著增加關節活動度?」,利用MeSH term、自然語言、同義詞設定「全膝關節置換術」及「彈性繃帶」之中英文關鍵字,搜尋華藝線上圖書館、台灣期刊論文索引系統、Cochrane Library、PubMed/MEDLINE、CINAHL、ProQuest、Epistemonikos共七個中英文資料庫,運用布林邏輯之OR聯集及AND交集,限制文獻類型為統合分析、系統性文獻回顧及隨機對照試驗文獻,共獲得114篇文獻,刪除重複及未探討術後關節活動度主成效之文獻,最後共3篇隨機對照試驗文獻納入評讀分析。
本文以CASP 2020年之隨機控制試驗評核表為文獻評讀工具, 3篇文獻之實驗組皆為術後24小時內使用彈性繃帶加壓手術部位,對照組皆為術後24小時內無使用彈性繃帶加壓。嚴格評讀與綜整文獻結果,3篇研究均顯示兩組在術後膝關節活動度無顯著差異,且膝腫脹與瘀腫、皮下出血等合併症發生率亦無顯著差異,1篇研究顯示彈性繃帶加壓顯著增加疼痛指數,1篇研究顯著增加患肢不舒適感。3篇文獻之證據等級皆為Oxford實證中心2011年證據等級之Level 2。


Ask an answerable question (PICO):
Degenerative osteoarthritis in knee is the most common musculoskeletal disease in the elder population and total knee replacement is the main treatment option. The knee range of motion after operation is often evaluated as an effective indicator. Some orthopedic surgeons advised elastic bandage compression on the operative site within 24 hours after operation to decreasing swelling and pain and improving range of motion. However, there was no consensus in this postoperative management and doubt by the patients. Thus, we ask a clinical question “Will the usage of elastic bandage compression on the operative site within 24 hours after total knee replacement can lead to improving knee range of motion?” We hope to provide clinical treatment guidance under evidence-based review.
The Method and Analysis of Literature Review:
In this review, we follow the first 3 steps of the evidence-based nursing 5As process: asking, acquire, appraisal, and propose a PICO question “Will the usage of elastic bandage compression on the operative site within 24 hours after total knee replacement can lead to improving knee range of motion?” We systematically searched Airiti Library, Index of the Taiwan Periodical Literature System databases, Cochrane Library, PubMed/MEDLINE, CINAHL, ProQuest, Epistemonikos databases under setting the MeSH term and synonyms related to “total knee replacement” and “elastic bandage” in English and Chinese databases. We included 114 papers with search strategies of OR and AND by Boolean logic and restricted to meta-analysis, systemic review, and randomized controlled trial. After excluding papers with duplicate articles and without explored the effect of the postoperative range of motion, we included 3 randomized controlled trials for further evaluation.
Critical Appraisal:
In our review, we used the 2020 CASP randomized controlled trial standard checklist as the tool for critical appraisal. All experimental groups in these 3 studies underwent elastic bandage compression on the operative site within 24 hours after operation in comparison to without elastic bandage use in the control group. As the result of critical appraisal, all 3 studies indicated no significant difference in postoperative knee range of motion, incidence of knee swelling, and subcutaneous hematoma. In addition, 1 study showed compression with elastic bandage significantly increase pain score and the other one showed significantly increase discomfort. All 3 studies are level 2 evidence in Oxford centre for evidence-based medicine (2011).
Results, Conclusions and Recommendations:
As the result of 3 randomized controlled trials, usage of elastic bandage compression on the operative site within 24 hours after total knee replacement can’t improve knee range of motion, decrease postoperative swelling, pain and complications. One of studies showed compression with elastic bandage significantly increase pain score and the other one showed significantly increase discomfort on the first day after operation. Thus, we don’t encourage routine use of elastic bandage compression on the operative site within 24 hours after total knee replacement. We suggest consider the current best evidence and discuss with the medical team in order to improve postoperative recovery, comfort, and satisfaction.